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    ASPIRE Help

    Click here for complete ASPIRE v5 Help - if prompted, use lti as the username and @spire4u as the password. 

      ASPIRE API Documentation

      Click here for ASPIRE v5 API documentation, examples and Help  - if prompted, use lti as the username and @spire4u as the password. 

        ASPIRE Data Views

        Click here for a searchable list of ASPIRE data views used for reporting - if prompted, use lti as the username and @spire4u as the password. 
          • Recent Topics

          • Processing Partial Termination on Non-Accrual Lease

            Is there any guidance on how to process a partial termination on a Non-Accrual and what to expect the system will produce for entries?
          • Account Suffix Dropdown Options

            We are running into situations where our customers have the word 2nd or 3rd or even just the number 2 or 3 at the end of their name but the only Suffix Options in Aspire are II, III, Jr or Sr. We need the name in Aspire to match exactly to our customer's
          • Lease Portfolio Purchase

            We're looking at a potential opportunity to purchase an existing Lease Portfolio from a different entity. Is Aspire capable of booking a portfolio of leases via an import file or can someone please let me know what the system capabilities are for this
          • Participation Capabilities

            Can you please tell me if there is any way in Aspire that we would be able to have a 50% participation on an EFA contract (sell 50% to another entity)? Currently the lease sales we do are at 100% but we have a rush relationship pending where there would
          • Login History Report

            With so much remote work since Covid I am trying to analyze my users login/logout activity. It is difficult when the times recorded on the report apparently are in different time zone. I assume the times are for the server time zone. If I do a translation
          • Industry Type Codes

            We currently use SIC Types in the Industry Code Maintenance, but would like to switch over to NAICS. How difficult a switch is this to put in place ignoring the volume of customer profiles to update? thanks
          • Payment Receipt History SSRS .rdl Information

            Hello, I am working on automating some reporting that one of our end users manually puts together.  One of the sources that she pulls data from is the Payment Receipt History paginated report.  Would it be possible if I could get the query/queries from
          • Work Queue Joins and Filters

            I'm trying to replicate the structure of a few work queues one of our users creates, but I can't find where the underlying queries (that I assume generate the work queue data) are stored in the Aspire SQL Server database.  I've found a table (dbo.[LookupUserDetail])
          • What sort of questions should be submitted to this Community?

            Welcome to the ASPIRE Community Help Center! This forum is where questions can be submitted about LTi products and services to be answered by our subject matter experts. If you would like to know more about the capabilities of our products, tips on processing
          • Popular Articles

          • ASPIRE Upgrade Preparation Guidance

            Summary This article is intended to provide guidance for ASPIRE v5 customers to test a new release of the system prior to deployment for production use. The processes outlined are not representative of all potential configurations and usage of the ...
          • Enforcement of Password Rules In 5.20.33+ Releases of ASPIRE

            Beginning in the 5.20.33 release of ASPIRE the Password Rules and Account Rules settings configured under Administration -> Account Security are now enforced upon every login session to the system. This includes users configured in the system that ...
          • Month End Procedures ASPIRE

            See attachment for guidance on processing month end
          • Processing Vendor Invoices in ASPIRE Accounts Payable

            Vendor account must be set up in the system with a role that has the role type Vendor. The vendor accounts need to be configured in the Accounts Payable tab of Account Explorer -> Main. When a contract is created the appropriate vendor account needs ...
          • 400 Error when using DocuSign Integration

            Normally, when an ASPIRE user attempts to submit an envelope to DocuSign, a “success” message will be returned along with a DocuSign Envelope ID. Occasionally, an error message will be returned. Typically, this is a 400 error. 400 errors indicate a ...