Uploading Larger Documents via API returns a 500 error and How to Fix it
What is the problem we are trying to solve?
Customers running 5.20.54 or later
who use the API to upload documents to ASPIRE, may receive a 500 error on
documents that are larger than 400K.
(Note: this only impacts Customer with Administration>Global
Settings>Diagnostics- Event Log and/or File set to “Information”)
How to resolve it?
Short-Term Fix:
Go to Administration – Global Settings –
Under Event Log AND File,
Change from “Information” to “Warning” and Save

3. Restart IIS Services
Long-Term Fix:
The fix was released in ASPIRE 5.20.63
What do I need to do if I use API to upload documents and have that Global Setting?
- Customers who are hosted by LTI should open a Support Ticket to coordinate the update and IIS Restart.
- Customers who host ASPIRE on-prem should complete the steps above.
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