Address Discrepancy - Credit Score Card Criteria Bug - 44174

See attached document for complete steps.
Fixed in v5.20.62
A change was made to fix an issue where the Address
Discrepancy credit scorecard results were always reflecting as True.
The fix changes the allowable values in an address
discrepancy check from True/False to Y/N when setting up an Address Discrepancy
check in a credit scorecard for a MicroBilt – Equifax – Individual Credit Profile
- The value for no address discrepancy from the
Equifax report is N.
- A value of Y
is returned when a significant address discrepancy exists.
This change requires customer who use the Address
Discrepancy check on any ASPIRE build after
v5.20.62 to change all existing Address Discrepancy scorecards.
The attached document walks through the steps required for a customer to realign their Credit Score Card with the newly redone Address Discrepancy criteria.
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