When a return file is processed through ASPIRE (on the Tasks - Cash Management screen - Lockbox – ACH Return File (toolbar)), the records in the uploaded return file are matched with the payment records in ASPIRE and those payments are returned.
Return records are denoted by:
Payment detail records (“6 records”) – lines 3 and 4 below
Associated addenda records (“7 records” underneath the 6 record in the file) – see example below
Return addenda type (character position 2-3 being “99”) – in the “7 record example”
Return reason (character position 4 being “R” followed by a two digit code – e.g. R01 is for insufficient funds) – in the “7 record example”
Change Records
There are records that can show up in return files called “change records”. These are denoted by character position 4 on the 7 record being a “C”.
ASPIRE Version Note
Starting with ASPIRE v5.20.11054, the way in which ASPIRE maps payments from the return file to payments in ASPIRE was changed.
This record does not represent a payment but is a balancing entry that shows the debit amount to the finance company’s bank from the original ACH file. Inclusion of this line is optional and depends on your EFT Company Setup
On the “6 records” you are returning, change character position 79 from a “0” to a “1”. This denotes that this payment detail record has an addenda record.
Here is a diagram that shows the changes:
Creator |
Date |
Note |
Chris Haug |
4/8/2021 |
Document Created |