Removing a GL Account from the Chart of Accounts
We have an account “2003” that should not be included in our Chart of Accounts. There are two postings to this account - One that occurred in error and the second to reverse the error posting. The balance in this account is now zero. I would like to delete it, so that it is not used again in error.
An error message will be presented when trying to delete this account because once you have activity on the account, you cannot delete it from ASPIRE.
Once there is activity on an account, it cannot be deleted from ASPIRE. This is to safe-guard against widowed entries in ASPIRE. It is suggested to the customer to edit the name of the account so that it is clear that it is not an active account.
If the account had just been added, and there is no activity tied to the account, you will be able to select the line and delete with no errors or issues.