The Correct Document Type for Importing Microsoft Word document into ASPIRE for Doc Tagging

The Correct Document Type for Importing Microsoft Word document into ASPIRE for Doc Tagging

While you may have heard that you need your Microsoft Word Document to exist as a .xml document, you probably noticed there are a few different options available as an "XML" document option when saving your Microsoft Word document to your computer prior to importing into ASPIRE:
  1. Word XML Document (*.xml)
  2. Word 2003 XML Document (*.xml)
  3. Strict Open XML Document (*.docx)

The CORRECT option to select when saving your Microsoft Document prior to importing into ASPIRE is "Word 2003 XML Document (*.xml)"

Note that the extension itself between the top 2 options is indistinguishable.  They both end in (*.xml).  Simply containing a file extension of ".xml" will not promise ASPIRE will be able to correctly import the document and that the tags will indeed work for you, even if the document saves. 

It is also NOT suggested to just type in a new file extension for your document within a File Explorer window, by utilizing the renaming functionality.  This can corrupt the integrity of the document, and cause it to fail regardless upon importing into ASPIRE (failure at either import and/or ability to display data retrieved by the data tags).

Upon attempting to import a Microsoft Word document that was saved as the option "Word XML Document (*.xml)", I was able to import and insert tags, but upon saving the document in ASPIRE, I received the following pop up message.  Even though I selected "Yes" to continue with the current save, and ASPIRE saved my document, the tags inserted into the document fail to retrieve the data and instead display the tag itself.  It is essential to save your Microsoft Word document as Word 2003 XML Document (*.xml) format to your computer, and then import the document after it exists as that type of file.


The third file type option that contains "XML" in the name, is not actually a true XML document at all.  It is instead a (*.docx) document.  If you saved your Microsoft Document as this file type and attempted to browse to import it, ASPIRE will not display the file at all, as ASPIRE is programmed to only allow (*.xml) documents to be imported.  Again, the correct file type to select and import is a document that has been created as "Word 2003 XML Document (*.xml)".

For optimal results with Document Tagging, LTi Technology Solutions recommends that you utilize Microsoft Office 365.

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