DocuSign Integration - Contract Status Updates

DocuSign Integration - Contract Status Updates

Finance companies generally have multiple credit applications in process at the same time which often means having to prepare documents for signing, getting the documents to the signers, and tracking when the documents come back signed on many credit applications concurrently.

This situation can be a challenge for the documentation team who need to remember which credit applications still need to have docs sent out and which credit applications they are waiting on the signed documents to come back.

ASPIRE Contract Statuses are commonly used to track these phases of the credit application lifecycle.
DocuSign supports the concept of envelope status, used to track where documents are in the signing process.

Because of the situations noted above, the ASPIRE DocuSign integration supports mapping of DocuSign envelope State values to ASPIRE Contract Status values.

ASPIRE Configuration

In ASPIRE - Administration - eSignature - DocuSign, you can configure the mapping of four DocuSign Envelope Statuses to the configured, active ASPIRE Contract Statuses.
If an Envelope Status is not mapped, an occurrence of that status on a relevant DocuSign envelope will not cause a Contract Status change in ASPIRE.

Click "Update Mappings" to confirm/save the changes, which will take effect for any envelope state updates from that point forward for all envelopes created using the ASPIRE DocuSign integration, regardless of whether the envelope was created prior to the configuration mapping change.

Status Updates
When an envelope is created in DocuSign using the ASPIRE DocuSign integration through the "Submit" or "Submit for Revision" processes, DocuSign will communicate envelope state updates back to ASPIRE resulting in the ASPIRE Contract Status updating to the mapped status. This status change may take up to 15 minutes to occur after the envelope state change in DocuSign.
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