An ASPIRE user could be de-activated due to multiple inaccurate password attempts OR could have been de-activated due to a period of leave from the company.
Do NOT build the user again, as the user will still be in the ASPIRE site configuration. All you need to do is reactivate the user.
Access the User's Security Setup Screen to remove the deactivation date, and you'll likely want to re-set their password as well.
If the user simply deactivated themself after multiple inaccurate password attempts, this is all you'll need to do.
If the user is being reactivated after a period of time, you will want to do this step as well as the other steps listed in this article to ensure they can successfully log back into ASPIRE.
1. Log into ASPIRE as an Administrative User
2. Perform a Quick Search for the user you need to reactivate access to ASPIRE
3. Access the user's Account Security Login screen
4. Remove the date for the "Deactivation Date" field, so that it says "(none)" if you tab/click out of the field
5. Provide a new password in the Password and Verify Password field that is easy to type. You'll provide this to the user so they can log in.
6. Check the box next to "User must change password at next login", and ASPIRE will force the user to change their password.
7. Click Save.

Reactivate the Account so it may show up in search results when new Contracts are Built
1. Log into ASPIRE as an Administrative User
2. Perform a Quick Search for the user you need to deactivate/remove access to ASPIRE
3. Access the user's Account Main Screen
4. Set the "Status" field to "Active"
5. Click Save.
6. If the status needs to be set to something else, you must still set it to "Active", then save, then you may change it to the other value. This is to remove the "Inactive" flag in the background, which can only be removed by the "Active" flag being placed. Inactive and Active are system defined Account Statuses, and are the only statuses that can truly deactivate and reactivate an account status field.

If the user used to be able to post Cash Receipt Batches, access their Cash Receipt User Options and re-activate this setup
1. Log in ASPIRE as an Administrative User
2. Access the Administration > Accounts Receivable > Cash Management Screen
3. Go to the Cash Receipts User Options tab
4. Find the user in the list of Cash Receipt Users at the top of the screen. If they are not listed here, then they did NOT have the ability to post cash.
5. Uncheck the box next to "Inactive", and the Inactive Date will disappear in the grid above.
6. Click Save.