How to Refund Unapplied Cash

How to Refund Unapplied Cash

Whether this is used to refund overpayment or specific invoices such as Security Deposits, these instructions can be utilized to process a refund to a customer.  

PRE-REQUISITE - You need to build a Refund Transaction Code.  Below is a screenshot of an example.  As you can see, it is crediting the Cash GL Accounts.  This will put the refunded money into the Cash GL Account so the customer can be paid.  If it needs to be pushed into some other GL Account in order to get the funds to the customer, the set a different GL Account as the Credit Account.

1.  If you are processing a refund for a specific invoice, credit memo the paid invoice.

      a.  Tasks > Accounts Receivable > Billing Adjustments
      b.  Select the Finance Company the contract exists under
      c.  Select Adjustment Type = Credit Memo
      d.  Look up the invoice record you are wanting to Credit Memo.  Because it is paid, you will need to check the "Include Paid Invoices" button
      e.  From the displayed invoices, check the box next to the invoice you are wanting to Credit Memo to process the refund for
      f.  Set the correct GL Post Date and Effective Date
      g.  Set a Reason Code as well as Select the appropriate Unapplied Cash GL
      h.  Post the Batch.  This will place the payment amount into Unapplied Cash

2.  Create a Miscellaneous Invoice for the contract that you need to process the refund for (if the refund is at the account level, create the misc invoice for the account)

      a.  Tasks > Accounts Receivable > Miscellaneous Billing
      b.  Select the Finance Company the contract exists under
      c.  Look up the contract (or account) that you need to process the refund for
      d.  Set the appropriate Invoice Date (the date that you want to process the refund on) and set the Due Date to that same date
      e.  If you do NOT want to create an invoice document for this refund, make sure you select a "No Print" invoice code or remember to not physically print or email the invoice.
      f.  Click on the "Add Invoice Detail" button to add a transaction code to the miscellaneous invoice
      g.  Type in the amount of the refund that you will be processing
      h.  Select the "Refund" transaction code 
      i.  If the contract has an ADC Code on it, an ADC code will default here.
      j.  If the contract has EFT set up, the EFT parameters will populate.  Remove these settings.
      k.  Post the Miscellaneous Invoice batch.  As it is built as a cash basis transaction code, you will not receive GL Entries.

3.  Reapply the Unapplied Cash (whether already existing or if you processed a credit memo of the paid invoice) to the Refund Miscellaneous Billing record

      a.  Tasks > Accounts Receivable > Cash Management
      b.  Cancel the batch and then click on the Magnefying Glass icon so you can search for the unapplied cash record
      c.  In the Check Lookup Screen, fill out the following fields
            i.  Finance Company
            ii.  Account > Customer > Select your customer
            iii.  Check the box for Unapplied Cash Only
            iv.  Search
      d.  Select the correct Unapplied Cash Record that you want to return
      e.  Click "Reapply"   (this will send you into a pending cash batch screen, where the cash payment information is prepopulated as well as the customer information) 
      f.  Click "Append Invoices to Receipt"
      g.  Search for the "Refund" Miscellaneous Billing record you created in step 2 and hit ok
      h.  Ensure the GL Post Date is correct
      i.  Set a Reversal Code that is applicable (example:  "Process Refund" or "Reapply Cash")
      j.  Click the Feather to Post
      k.  This will create a GL Entry to do the following:
            i.  Debit the Unapplied Cash GL
            ii.  Credit the Cash GL

4.  The money will now be available in the Cash GL Account so that the Client can provide the money back to the Customer, whether via cash or a check addressed to the Customer

      a.  If this needs to be processed via check, then the Client will handle that portion in their main ledger system 

If the invoice that is being Credit Memo'd in step 1 has more transaction codes than just the one that needs to be refunded, you will need to do the following:

1.  Credit Memo the invoice with all of the transactions

2.  Re-create the invoice for all transaction codes EXCEPT the one you are wanting to refund.  Make sure you use the original dates for the Miscellaneous Invoice - if there is any sales tax applicable to these recreated transaction codes, it will ensure the proper sales tax is re-invoiced as well.

3.  Re-apply the cash to the new version of the invoice and transaction codes, which will leave ONLY the amount that needs to be refunded in unapplied cash.

4.  Then pick up with step 2 in the instructions above, where you create the Miscellaneous Invoice for the "Refund" transaction code

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