How to utilize the Global Equipment Update Module

How to utilize the Global Equipment Update Module

The Global Equipment Update Module launches from the Contract Explorer > Equipment screen, and creates an Excel spreadsheet of the existing equipment line-items and details.  It allows a user to edit data and import it back into ASPIRE for the same contract in order to update changes to the equipment record details.  This functionality is only available with the purchase of the Global Equipment Update Module.

1.  Build the Contract
2.  After equipment records exist on the Contract with a Current Basis Value, populate the Contract Payment Schedule on the Contract Explorer > Main > Payment Schedule Tab.
3.  Return to the Contract Explorer > Equipment Screen and click on the "Global Equipment Export" button.     All of the existing equipment records will move into Excel.
4.  The excel file will download (flashing in orange in your taskbar at the bottom).  Open the Excel File. 
5.  After you have completed your edits, click the SAVE button in excel at the top left of the screen and close the document.
6.  Click on the "Global Equipment Import" button.    ASPIRE will know where to go to retrieve this file, do not edit the File Name location.  
7.  Click on Import.
8.  ASPIRE will begin to validate the fields in the excel spreadsheet.  If there are any errors, you will be notified in the Excel document as to what you need to change.  If it processes successfully, you will receive a success message.  Then the screen will update, displaying the information provided in the update Excel file.

  1. The Contract, Customer, and Equipment Records must exist on the Contract prior to utilizing this functionality.
  2. Greyed out fields indicate they are system calculated/populated values and cannot be edited.
  3. Locations need to exist on the Customer Account record.  If the Locations have Location Code values prior to the modifications, this process will be much easier for Location changes.
  4. If the contract has already been booked, please perform a Contract Modification if you are going to be editing fields that will impact the payment stream and/or contract economics during this update,
  5. If add values for records that have a quantity of 1 to a field such as the serial numbers field, you must enter them with no spaces separated by a comma.
  6. If the contract is not yet booked, the Contract Rewrite section does not need to be populated.  If the contract has been booked, you need to populate the Effective Date and Reason Code fields if you are editing something that will affect the economics and/or payment stream and perform a Contract Modification before starting Step 3.

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