The scope of this document is to guide existing LeasePlus v3.9 users through a new installation of LeasePlus v3.11 server and client components.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not an upgrade from LeasePlus v3.9. Only the databases are upgradeable, not the program files on the server or workstation. It’s also very important to note that these two client versions cannot co-exist on any one machine.
Before You Begin a New Installation
On the application server, install Microsoft.NET 4.6 and SQL Server Client Tools.
On Windows Server 2016, add the .NET Framework 4.6 Features (Server Manager > Add Roles and Features > Features).
Unless the Web Server and SQL Server are the same machine, you will need to install SQL Server Client Tools on the ASPIRE Web Server. In this LTi scenario, SSMS 17.x (SSMS-Setup-ENU) was installed on the application server when the SQL Server Instance was on a different machine.
In order to install the LeasePlus Client, client machines will need to be able to access the server directory for LeasePlus v3.11. In this LTi scenario, the server portion of LeasePlus is installed to the root of the drive on the LeasePlus application server, and the LeasePlus v3.11 folder itself is shared. A domain group (i.e. LeaseTeam\LeasePlusSQLUsers) is used to give members db_datareader and db_datawriter access to the LeasePlus and LTShared databases, as well as modify rights to the LeasePlus v3.11 share. The contents of this share should be added to your routine backups.
Verify that the SQL Server is set to mixed mode (both “SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode”). LeasePlus itself uses Windows Authentication for access to the databases and the LeasePlus v3.11 share, but the database utility must be run using SQL Authentication. A SQL account with sysadmin rights (i.e. the ‘sa’ account) is highly recommended.
On the client machines, install Microsoft.NET 4.x, Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server (MSODBCSQL), and Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL).
On Windows 10, add the .NET Framework 4.6 (or 4.7) Advanced Services (Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features on or off).
LTi can provide the Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server (MSODBCSQL) and Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) packages, or you can download them from the Microsoft website.
On both server and client machines, set the PowerShell execution policy to RemoteSigned.
Launch PowerShell in administrative mode. A “get-executionpolicy” command will show you what the current setting is. A “set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned” should allow you to change this to the desired setting.
New Server Installation Process
On the SQL Server, verify that you have your LeasePlus v3.x databases (i.e. LeasePlus and LTShared) are in place, and that your domain group (i.e. LeaseTeam\LeasePlusSQLUsers) has db_datareader and db_datawriter access to these databases.
On the application server, verify that you have installed Microsoft.NET 4.x and SQL Server Client Tools.
When specifying the License Directory, make sure this directory includes both the LeasePlus v3.11 license (i.e. License.dat) and the Micro Focus COBOL license (i.e. MFCOBOL.dat). The LeasePlus license has not changed since previous v3 installations, but you will need to be issued a new Micro Focus COBOL license file. If the COBOL license is missing, you’ll receive the “Installation failed, no MFCOBOL.DAT file!” message shown below when you click Finish on the LeasePlus Server Install – Database screen.
Click Next to continue.
Provide the Database Instance name (i.e. multiSQL03), and the database names (i.e. LeasePlus and LTShared).
Click Finish to continue.
When the server installation has completed, click OK. You can close the PowerShell screen as well.
If you have not yet done so, create the Share that will be used by LeasePlus users. The contents of this share should be added to your routine backups. In this example, the server portion of LeasePlus is installed to the root of the drive on the LeasePlus application server, and the LeasePlus v3.11 folder itself is shared. A domain group (i.e. LeaseTeam\LeasePlusSQLUsers) is used to give members modify rights to the LeasePlus v3.11 share.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of the LeasePlus custom files are actually standard program files that are activated using a special switch in the LeasePlus license file. Some are separate program files. Regardless, do not use LeasePlus 3.9 (or older) custom program files or hotfixes. All customs must be reworked to be compatible with LeasePlus v3.11.
In file explorer, browse to ...Database\Bin under the LeasePlus server directory (i.e. C:\LeasePlus311\Database\Bin) and launch the lpDBUtility.exe.
Provide the following information:
Conversion Type: Upgrade of Existing Database (i.e. both v3)
SQL Server Instance Name: The LeasePlus database server name (i.e. multiSQL03)
LeasePlus Database Name: The name of the LeasePlus database (i.e. LeasePlus)
Shared Database Name: The name of the shared database (i.e. LTShared)
Path to the Upgrade Scripts: The full local path to database scripts (i.e. C:\LeasePlus311\Database)
Path to the License File: The full local path to license file (i.e. C:\LeasePlus311\Workstation Install\Installer)
SQL Server UserId: The SQL user with administrative rights (i.e. sa)
SQL Server Password: The password of the SQL user entered above
Click ‘Upgrade’ to begin running the automated database scripts.
Click OK on the VBScript screen that notifies you that the “License Settings Saved.”
SQL scripts must run against the LeasePlus databases. The command prompt window will give you an idea of which scripts are currently running.
A Notepad window will open to display the log file information from the upgrade. Review the logs carefully to verify that no errors occurred. When done with the review, close this Notepad window.
Answer Yes or No to the question, “Would you like to process another Database?”
New Client Installation Process
On the LeasePlus Client machine, verify that you have installed Microsoft.NET 4.6 or higher, and then manually install Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server (MSODBCSQL), and Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL).
On the client Install screen, change the default values as necessary. In this example, the Instance Name defaults “LeasePlus311” to match the server installation. The default Installation Directory of “C:\Program Files\LeaseTeam” was left as is.
The User Group value should be a Windows user or group (i.e. LeaseTeam\LeasePlusSQLUsers). The user or user group that you specify will be given permissions to the LeasePlus v3.11 client folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\LeaseTeam\LeasePlus311) and to the [SystemDrive]:\TEMP\ (i.e. C:\Temp) folder. If the Temp folder does not already exist, it will be created.
Click Finish to continue.
Several different screens will appear as the installation unpacks the program files to the designated client folder (i.e. :\Program Files\LeaseTeam\LeasePlus311), registers the LeaseTeam Support Assemblies, creates the 32-bit DSN, installs the necessary fonts, and installs the Crystal Reports runtime.
When the client installation has completed, click OK.
The LeasePlus Client icon will automatically be created on the current user’s desktop.
PLEASE NOTE: During the client installation, a PowerShell screen will remain open but close automatically when you click OK on this screen. The warnings in red are just that, nothing more than warnings that can be ignored. The LeaseTeam Support Assemblies that are being registered at this time do not have strong names, but they are unique to LeasePlus. Therefore, they will not interfere with other applications as suggested in the warning messages.
The new Micro Focus license requires a license manager. This new service is also created at this time.
Testing the LeasePlus v3.11 Client
Log in to the LeasePlus client as a user with admin permissions.
To test a COBOL screen: Go to Inquiry > Main Inquiry > Lease Inquiry > Look up existing lease.
To test a VB screen: Go to Maintenance > Entities > Customer.
To test the Crystal Viewer: Go to Reports > Tickler/Status Reports > Customer Listing > Select a range of one customer and execute to display.
In each of these areas, simply verify that the screens load properly without any errors occurring.