ASPIRE's display can be impacted for users that have the resolution on their monitor not set to 1024 x 768 as recommended as a system standard. This can cause text to overlap, screens to not fully display and other display issues in some screens that impact usability as in the example below.
The following steps can be used to change the resolution settings specifically for the ASPIRE client on a user's machine to resolve many of these issues. This is dependent upon the monitor's configuration and other hardware factors so in some cases display issues may still occur even after making these changes.
1. Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to the following directory: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0 (the AppData directory is a hidden folder by Windows default and may need to be made visible).
2. Upon opening the directory above enter "Leaseteam.Client" in the search box to find the client file in the 2.0 directory
3. Right-click on LeaseTeam.Client file as shown above and select Properties
4. Open the Compatibility tab and click Change high DPI settings
5. Check the box next to "Use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in Settings" under the Program DPI heading
6. Select "I open this program" in the dropdown below it
7. Check the box next to "Override high DPI scaling behavior" and select "System (Enhanced)" in the dropdown below it
7. Click OK
8. Launch ASPIRE client