Prepaid Invoice Report Logic

Prepaid Invoice Report Logic

The Prepaid Invoice report (in the Dashboard Reports -  Invoicing folder) is limited to invoices where the payment Effective Date is less than the Due Date, the payment has been posted and not returned, and the invoice detail record OpenClosedOid is marked with either the value for Cash Payment (11021) or Cash Reapplication (11025). 

If the invoice has a current due amount, the invoice detail record OpenClosedOid is set to Open (11020) due to it not being paid in full.  The intent is to show payments paid full where the payment Effective Date is less that the Due Date.


Once the invoice is paid in full the portion that was paid prior to the Due Date will then appear on the prepaid invoice report.

As an example, Invoice 15295 prepayment of $18,717.48 will not appear on the Prepaid report until this invoice is paid in full. 

The amounts of $931.85 and $1,883.90 will appear on the report for invoice 15003 as the entire invoice is paid.

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