Problem loading DocuSign configurations
If you see an error message "There was a problem loading DocuSign configurations. Please contact your ASPIRE administrator for further assistance", when accessing Administration - eSignature - DocuSign, take the following steps to resolve the issue:
- Invalid Service Address/Service Key
- Check your Service Address and Service Key to ensure they are accurate.
- Note, when a new Service Key is requested for a given customer and Service Address, all previously issued Service Keys for that customer and Service Address are invalidated.
- If you are unsure that the Service Address and Service Key combination are valid, open a support ticket with LTi to request a new Service Key for the given Service Address.
- Service Down
- If you are certain the Service Key and Service Address combination is valid, the service may not be running.
- Open a support ticket with LTi and a support representative will investigate and resolve the issue.
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