Residual Guaranteed or Unguaranteed - When to use one or the other?

Residual Guaranteed or Unguaranteed - When to use one or the other?

Typical use for guaranteed residual is when working with a TRAC Lease, Residual Values are established for the future value of the Asset.  They are also subject to usage (mileage) and condition once the Lease firm term has been completed.  Higher Residual Amount typically means lower payments in the Lease Calculation.

When companies place higher residual values on leases to lower monthly payments, they are at risk if the operator abuses the “Semi-Truck & Trailer”, so they will establish a “Minimum” Residual Value for the asset upon return.  If the Lessee agrees to, or if the Finance Company demands a Residual Value of a certain amount, it must be disclosed in the Contracts.  ASPIRE has two data tags for contracts, Guaranteed and Unguaranteed Residual Amounts & Percentage. 

They can be used when setting up the contract and impact the Contract Documentation as indicated by the check box in question.  If the Lessee is Responsible For Guaranteed Residual is Checked or Unchecked, $47,897.92 in your example, it can be directed to the following data tags and be reflected in the contracts as such.

<LTF>DocGenConContract.Residual Amount</LTF>

<LTF>DocGenConContract.Residual Amount Guaranteed</LTF>

<LTF>DocGenConContract.Residual Amount Unguaranteed</LTF>

<LTF>DocGenConContract.Residual Guaranteed</LTF>

<LTF>DocGenConContract.Residual Percent</LTF>

<LTF>DocGenConContract.Residual Percent Guaranteed %</LTF>

<LTF>DocGenConContract.Residual Percent Unguaranteed%</LTF>

A TRAC lease, or Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause lease, is a financing option for commercial vehicles and equipment that allows for lower monthly payments than a standard loan. TRAC leases are intended for vehicles that are used for commercial purposes more than half of the time.

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