“SBSS” (Small Business Scoring Service) is a scoring model under the “LiquidCredit” product owned by FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation). LiquidCredit is a service that pulls credit information from a Credit Bureau and applies proprietary scoring model algorithms to provide a risk score and other analyses to help the reviewer expedite credit decisions.
A Licensed ASPIRE environment that supports LiquidCredit integration allows a Credit Manager to pull a credit report through the LiquidCredit service. ASPIRE has the capabilities to then apply data elements from the credit pull to an ASPIRE Scorecard, offering automated credit decision capabilities.
SBSS v7.0 contains additional data and an updated scoring model to respond to the 2008 financial crisis beyond what SBSS v6.0 offers.
To learn more, please refer to FICO’s website or view:
Why are we making a change?
As of February 2021, FICO’s LiquidCredit SBSS version 6.0 is no longer supported, and subsequently, SBSS version 7.0 must be utilized. Development work was necessary to shift ASPIRE to reference SBSS v7.0. This means that any client planning to utilize LiquidCredit to pull their credit reports must upgrade to an ASPIRE version that uses SBSS v7.0 for a successful credit pull.
What will the user experience?
No additional action is necessary to utilize SBSS v7.0 beyond taking an ASPIRE version containing this change. However, the user may notice more detail in the received credit report, specifically if requested through the Experian credit bureau.