ASPIRE Training Video Inventory

ASPIRE Training Video Inventory

The following is a list of training videos available in this Knowledge Base. The links will take you to the Knowledge Base article that contains the link to the video.

Be sure to browse the Category for additional information related to your topic. 

Account Management

Build a New User

This video shows the process of setting up and activating a new user account in ASPIRE.



Processing Earnings

This video shows the different methods of processing earnings. 


Financed Lease with Contract Item Earnings and Loan with Benchmark Pricing Example

7 minute video provides an example of the earnings to expect on a lease with a contract item, and a loan with benchmark pricing. 


Earnings Calculation

This video reviews the earnings calculations on a financed lease and a loan.


ASPIRE Navigation 

The attached 21 minute video goes over navigating ASPIRE and understanding the menus and layouts available. 

ASPIRE Tips and Tricks

An hour of ASPIRE Tips and Tricks as presented at the 2021 Virtual User Conference.

Asset Management

Equipment Overview

The attached documents and linked 37 minute video provides an overview of how equipment is managed in ASPIRE.

Collateral Overview

The linked 27 minute video and related document attachments cover all aspects of working with collateral in ASPIRE. 



Security Profiles

The linked 13 minute video explains the setup of the ASPIRE Security Profiles. 

Billing Adjustments

Billing Adjustments

The linked 9 minute video reviews the credit memo creation process to reverse a scheduled billing. 

Cash Management/Payments

Electronic Funds Transfer Module Training

The one and a half hour recorded training from 9/27/2022 explaining the Electronic Funds Transfer Module. Includes accompanying documentation for setup instructions and Q&As from the               live presentation. 

EFT Management 

The linked 8 minute video explains how to manage or change a contract EFT schedule. 


Collections Configuration Review Video 

The linked 4 minute video shows how to setup Collections. 


Contract Originations

Configurable Forms 

The linked 7 minute video shows how configurable forms (a.k.a. application templates) are used in ASPIRE. 


Setup a Configurable Form

The 30 minute videos covers the process of creating a configurable form with demonstrations of key sections.


Enter a Contract via Contract Main

The linked 4 minute video shows how to enter a lease or a loan through the Contract Explorer - Contract Main screen. 

Line of Credit Functionality

The linked 12 minute video demonstrates the setup and functionality of the licensed Line of Credit module. 

Contract Pricing

Setup a Finance Product

The linked 3 minute video reviews the process for setting up Finance Products in ASPIRE.  

Contract Items

The 13 minute video reviews the contract items and their setup. 

Contract Rewrite

Contract Modification - Payment Schedule Restructure

A 6 minute video of a contract modification that skips 6 payments and includes a rate change.


Contract Modification - Principal Paydown 

The linked 6 minute video demonstrates how to do a mid-term loan principal paydown. 


Contract Modification - Mid-Term Asset Disposal

               The linked 9 minute video walks through the process of selling an asset from a lease mid-term. 


Contract Modification - Mid Term Asset Addition

               The linked 6 minute video demonstrates how to add an asset to an existing lease mid-term. 


Credit Adjudication

Credit Adjudication Screens and Pulling Credit Reports 

The attached videos walk through the Contract Explorer - Credit Adjudication screens with a brief explanation of functionality they provide. Video number 2 provides an overview of pulling credit reports. 

Video 1 - Credit screens    8:50

Video 2 - Pulling Credit Reports   5:15


Customer Service


Debt Note/Funding

Funding Intro and Scenarios

The linked videos provide and introduction to ASPIRE Bank Funding functionality and the common funding scenarios. 

Video 1 - Intro - 3:38 minutes

Video 2 - Funding Scenarios - 12:10

            Bank Funding Training Module

                         Real Life Bank Funding Setup Information. A 2 hour in-depth video with accompanying step by step document for setup and processing, and Q&As from the live presentation on Nov 15,                         2022.  

            Discounting Webinar
                        This 57 minute webinar walks though the discounting functionality in ASPIRE. 


ASPIRE Document Management 

The 14 minute video will demonstrate the various features and functionality available when working with documents in ASPIRE. 


DocuSign Webinar

An hour webinar on the ASPIRE - DocuSign Integration given by Peter Haug.


Bulk Generation of Documents for User Identified Contracts

Documentation and a 14 minute video demonstrating how to generate documents for a group of contracts identified by the user. 


Document Template Training Class

Documentation and a one hour 48 minute video demonstrating document template setup and document g



Insurance Integration

Video 1 covers the need for lease insurance and the standard Insurance functionality. A 5 minute video.

Video 2 covers the insurance integration modules. 



Inventory Management 

The 22 minute linked video walks through the features and functions available when using the Inventory Management licensed module. 



Loan Items 

A 9 minute video that walks through setting up Loan Items and adding them to a loan contract. 

Property Tax

PTMS Processing 

The linked 11 minute video covers the import/export procedure for processing PTMS in ASPIRE.

            PTMS Webinar

                        A 20 minute webinar explaining property tax, how the PTMS Integration manages it, and the file export - import process. 


Reports Overview

The linked 7 minute video reviews the basics for using ASPIRE Dashboard Reports with an attached document outlining some commonly used reports. 


Invoice Reports

The linked 10 minute video provides a brief overview of invoice related reports with an emphasis on delinquency and customer service.

The quick 1 minute video provides instructions on using a filtered work queue to populate contracts on a Trial Balance report. 

Sales Tax

ASPIRE Sales Tax Calculations 

The linked 24 minute video walks through the standard ASPIRE sales tax calculations before and at booking, and during invoicing. 


Asset Level Tax Exceptions

An 11 minute video that covers adding asset level tax exceptions in ASPIRE. 

Scheduled Billing

Generating Invoices 

The ASPIRE Billing and Misc Billing video covers the basics of setting up and generating ASPIRE Scheduled Billings and Miscellaneous Billing batches.

An engaging 34 minute video, stressing the location of various setup screens within ASPIRE and specific security settings.  


Workflow and Automation

             Automation and Contract Profiles Training

                        This recording explains the configuration and use of the Workflow and Automation module, focusing on the "Automation" configuration screen, "

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